Supporting over 2M trucks on the road, Reinforce powers repairs and warranty management for the transport and logistics industry.
Using novel voice technology, adaptive tech teaches and certifies repair technicians. That means less stalled shipments and greater fleet efficiencies.
Daimler Trucks add 500,000 new vehicles to fleets each year. Using core innovations from their automotive divisions, DTNA powers American fleet operators.
Innovative voice technology reduces repair times by contextualizing repair prompts and mobile aids.
Fleet owners, operators, drivers, and Daimler’s dealer networks benefit from the launch of Reinforce by improving uptime and reducing total cost of ownership.
300,000 diesel technicians in N America earn better wages with the reduction in training time and assistive tech that Reinforce can offer.
Hupbeat connects the right people at the right time in a dynamic, fast-changing environment in the Oil & Gas service industry, Hupbeat does that by delivering an on-demand, flexible workforce directly to project leaders at the right time and rate which enables nimble, reliable teams ultimately helping companies drive massive efficiencies regardless of oil prices.
Over 40% of workers in Oil & Gas are contractors.
Oil & Gas contractor credentials are siloed and manual. Many are still offline or stored in temporary data storage.
We are working with oil & gas industry leaders to transform the process of contractor management
Utilizing blockchain, we are able to track and certify contractor identities that will bring more trust to the hiring process.
Our Executive Council Network & OOC (Oil & Gas Blockchain Consortium) have helped us understand the industry needs as we align our interest with industry leaders such as National Oilwell Varco, Exxon and BP.
As a result, service providers have no shortage of hiring competent contractors, and we improve the lives of contractors through onboarding to lucrative projects, speeding up payments and onboarding.
Data has traditionally been siloed. We are seeing a shift in data collaboration across peers in industry to make faster and better decisions. We look for enterprise partners who are open to innovate not just for their company, but for their industry as a whole.
Using cloud infrastructure, we build trusted applications that reduce complexity, unlock new business value, and pair well with existing business process.
As we solve industry-wide pain points, it’s important for us to bring in stakeholders from multiple enterprises.
We do this through our Executive Summit Series to discover and launch breakthrough applications.
Building in incentives for each industry member creates long-term collaborations and incremental data advantages for each partner industry.